Who is a slow learner?
A slow learner is a child or pupil who is able to
learn educational skills but a rate and depth below average as compared to the
child’s peers or average learners in the class.
Normally, learners have an IQ of between 85 or 115.
Nevertheless, learners who have an IQ below 70 are termed as having
intellectual disability. A slow learner has not reached the level of being
termed as having intellectual disability (mental retardation).
Slow learners do not need special education because
they do not have a medical problem. It is only they do not perform well in
school, in a given project and their learning progress is very slow.

Characteristics of slow learners
In general, slow learning students may exhibit some or all of these
characteristics, depending on their age and degree of problems acquiring
knowledge at school.
· First, slow learners are recurrently
immature in their relations with others and do poorly in school.
· Secondly, they cannot do
multifaceted or complex problems and work very slowly.
· They
lose track of time and cannot convey what they have learned from one task to
another well.
· They do not easily master skills
that are academic in nature, such as the times tables or spelling rules.
· Perhaps the most exasperating trait
is their inability to have long-term goals. They live in the present, and so
have considerable problems with time management perhaps due to a short
attention span and poor concentration skills. One thing which we should
remember is that, just because a child is not doing well in one class does not
make that student a slow learner. Very few children stand out in all subject
areas unless there is great deal of grade inflation at that school. So it’s
fundamental that the parent or teacher examine in depth standardized tests
scores to look for trends. Also, slow learners vary from reluctant learners. A
slow learner to begin with wants to learn, but has a problem with the process.
A reluctant or hesitant learner is not motivated and can also be passive
aggressive, creating more problems for teachers and parents through
non-cooperation. Reluctant learners seldom have learning disabilities.
Slow learners have limited cognitive capacity. They
fail to cope with learning situations and to reason abstractly. Rational
thinking becomes practically difficult. They have capacity to succeed in
rote-leaning. These children show interest in leaning where relationships are
clearly demonstrated. With regards to retentive memories they require more
practice and revision in comparison with normal children.
One of the relevant characteristics of slow learners
is poor memory. It occurs due to lack of concentration. It is impossible to say
how much a child can lean and retain although he is motivated eternally and
internally. Experimental evidences reveal that very often the dull children can
recall facts about their local cricket team as we as its players.
Classroom situation include distraction and lack of
concentration of slow learners. This typical behavior is also associated with
poor motivation. Again different studies also report that when the learning
materials are presented through concrete situations, the slow learners’
concentration and attention don’t differ significantly from that of a normal
The slow learners learn at a slow rate and they face
difficulty in retaining what they learned.
The slow learners prefer concrete learning to abstract
Transfer of learning becomes difficult for slow
They lack judgment and common sense and they are
highly distractible.
They gain from direct teaching and do not acquire
skills incidentally.
A slow learner is an underachiever and has a very
short span of attention.
Their ability to deal with abstract and symbolic
materials (i.e. Languages, numbers and concepts is very limited and their
reasoning in practical situation is inferior that of average students.
Research works reveal that the attention span of slow
learners is relatively short they are also unable to deal with relatively
complex games or school assignment. They need much external stimulation and
encouragement to do simple type of work.
Capable of competing in school in most areas, except
in strictly academic areas in which performance is below average.
Social adjustments that is not noticeably different
from the larger population.
Although in the lower segment of adequate adjustment,
occupational performance satisfactory in non-technical areas with total
self-support highly probable.
Proven ideas to help slow learners
High school opens the door to vocational training
where they often excel. Work study programs give them a purpose for going to
Work with your school’s M-Team (Management Team) to
develop an IEP (Individual Educational Plan) for the child.
Do not spend the entire time making the child’s study.
Don’t nag. Let them have a life outside of school with activities they enjoy.
A Slow Learner might repeat one grade level for
academic or social reasons. Repeating more than one grade is a disaster for
their self-esteem.
Some schools will place these children in a “slow
track” where the work is easier. However, the other students may make fun of
them. And the concepts in math and social studies may still be too difficult
for them.
The least desirable alternative is a non-graded
program where the child works at their own pace and is graded for their effort.
Another way is to use their IQ to compute a passing
grade. For example if passing is 70% and their IQ is 80 then a passing grade
would be.8 x 70 = 56%.
The child deserves pre-vocational training in social
skills and independent living. These children should be taught life-related
courses like shopping, managing money, and job preparation.
Look at their problem areas and focus on them with
extra tutorial help. This could be during the last period of the day or after
school. Allow by-pass strategies such as calculators, or let them do oral or
visual reports.
Provide a quiet place to work, where the child can be
easily observed and motivated.
Keep homework sessions short.
Provide activity times before and during homework.
Add a variety of tasks to the learning even if not
assigned, such as painting a picture of a reading assignment.
Allow for success.
Ask questions about the assignment while the child is
Go over the homework before bed and before school.
Read to the child.
Some researcher use “Three Transfer” form of learning,
in which the student must take information and do three things with it besides
reading. For example, read it, explain it to someone else, draw a picture of
it, and take notes on it.
Be patient but consistent.
Do not reward unfinished tasks.
Challenge the child
Have the child do the most difficult assignments first and leave the
easier ones to later. Call it the dessert principle. Parents/Guardians should
not be overprotective. Parents who frequently intercede at school are teaching
that they do not respect their child’s abilities. If any parents do call a
teacher, they should make sure that they seek a positive outcome. Because we
should not forget most teachers have worked with numerous slow learners and
have plenty of experience. However, sharing one’s child’s strengths and weaknesses
could make the school year more beneficial for all concerned. Parents may
contact the teacher if there is a concern. Calling an administrator solves
nothing, as the teacher is the sole legal judge of academic success. The
parents should take their child to exciting places where they can see academic
success is important. A trip to a local university or community college, a
walking tour of city hall, a visit to the fire station or a behind-the-scenes
tour of a zoo is highly motivating.
Examples of interventions for slow learners
Environment: Reduce distractions, change seating to
promote attentiveness, have a peer student teacher, and allow more breaks.
Assignments: Make them shorter and with more
variation, repeat work in various forms, have a contract, give more hands-on
work, have assignments copied by student, have students use “three transfer”
Assessment: Use shorter tests, oral testing, redoing
tests, and short feedback times, don’t make students compete.
What to avoid: Don’t use cooperative learning that
isolates the student and places him or her in a no-win situation or
standardized tests. Definitely don’t ignore the problem.
What to encourage: Grouping with a patient partner.
Learning about the child’s interests. Placing the student in charge. Mapping,
graphic organizers, and hands-on work. Using Bloom’s taxonomy of tasks to make
the assignments more appropriate.
Slow learners want their teachers to know…
Give more practice problems in a particular area.
More time may be needed on speed drills or reading
comprehension than is allowed for in the curriculum
Show patience! Tutor after school in help classes, if
Create emotional security by not embarrassing them in
front of their peers.
Modify curriculum, if necessary—i.e. Shorten spelling
Be sure that instructions and expectation are given
Define the terms—read, circle, count, find, define,
copy, list, discuss, summarize, compose, identify, etc.
Have them repeat the instructions, if necessary. Point
to the area on the paper that you are explaining; see it, say it, cover it, say
Explain material in creative ways.
Teach them to listen for key words in explanations.
Provide a homework sheet or planner with a checklist
Show what an organized desk looks like.
Work closely with the parents to check completed work.
Motivate with practical reasons to learn material.
Set short range and attainable goals.
Give many encouraging words and praise often.
Say “I love you” often and write it in personal notes.
Pray for students and tell them that you are praying
for them.
Eliminate as many distractions as possible.
Seat them in the front of the classroom.
Be punctual and prepare materials well before class.
Expect accuracy and neatness in work.
Model correct behavior in front of students.
Stay as consistent as possible in classroom management
and expectations.
They need an active recess.
They need organized sports at recess to learn social
Pair them with brighter students who will help the
slower student and be humble about helping.
What is CRT
(IBP) Institute of Behavioral Psychology is a psychology based, multipurpose educational center for Children Reading Problems Karachi, Pakistan. It is the only Institute of its kind in South Asia that offers educational, therapeutic and psychological services for children, youth and adults under one roof.