Measurement, Evaluation, Assessment and Testing


Measurement is the process of determining the size, speed and direction of a moving object or quantity. In education, measurement is used to test students’ knowledge and understanding of a subject matter. For example, in math a teacher m ay ask students to find the area of a triangle by measuring its length and width using rulers and compasses. Teacher also use measurements in science to teach about different materials such as matter, energy and motion. They also use measurement in art to teach students about color, line and shape.


Evaluation is the art of judging the worth or value of something. Evaluation is used in education as a means of assessing the effectiveness of educational program and practices. The goal of evaluation is to determine if a program or practice is effective. For example, in education, evaluation of student achievement involves collecting data on students’ learning outcomes.  The results are then used to determine whether a student has mastered the material being studies.


Assessment is the process of evaluating the work of student in order to judge their progress and achievement. Assessment is used in many educational fields such as science, mathematics, English and art. Assessment helps to ensure that students are making process towards achieving the goals set for them. It also provides information about how well students are learning and what areas they need to improve on. For example, there are lots of different assessments that teachers can use to monitor students understanding of key concepts or ideas. This may include written assignments or tests which ask students to apply knowledge gained from individual lessons or topics covered in class.


Testing is the process of evaluating whether a person or thing has achieved a desired level of quality, competence or learning. It can be a formal or informal process and is usually written in a standardized format. For example, the first type of testing is known as an assessment test. It provides information about your knowledge, skill and abilities relation to academic content. Students’ assessment tests are often scored on a scale (e.g. 1-5) and provide feedback about your performance compared with other students who took the same test at the same time.  

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