Difference between Measurement and Evaluation


(1)    The process of figuring out a physical objects, characteristics and size is known as measurement. On the other hand, evaluation is a continuous process of quantification and qualitative interpretation based on value judgments.

(2)    Quantitative observations-observations that may be stated numerically are accounted for via measurement. On the other hand, evaluation incorporates both quantitative and qualitative findings.

(3)    Measurement is assigning numbers to a person or thing in accordance with predetermined guidelines. In contrast, assessment entails the attribution of grades, levels, or symbols in accordance with predetermined norms. 

(4)    While measurement focuses on one or more traits or aspects of a person or item, evaluation considers all factors, including cognitive, emotional and psycho motor development.

(5)    Measurement examine something’s size in numerical terms, including how much, how tall, how quickly, how hot, how far away, and how little it is. Evaluation, in contrast, determines how well something is by bringing measure or value judgment to the measurement.

(6)    While it is impossible to establish logical assumptions about the learner when measuring, this is possible when evaluating.

(7)    Measurement employs instruments or measuring devices to do the task, therefore it requires less time and energy. In contrast, assessment necessitates observation and involves making a value judgment, which takes time and effort.

(8)    As far as scope is concerned, measuring is constrained since it only considers a few characteristics of personality or trait. However, assessment takes into account every aspect before making a value determination. Furthermore, measurement is part of the evaluation. Its reach is hence wider.

(9)    Evaluation is objectively focused, whereas measurement is content based.   

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